THE STAY SAFE PROGRAMME – is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools. Its overall objective is to prevent child abuse and other forms of child victimization. It is implemented within the broader context of Social, personal and health education. SPHE fosters the development of the human being both as an individual and as a member of society. “It includes areas of education ranging from self-awareness and self-esteem to issues concerning health, nutrition, substance use and misuse, the prevention of child abuse, relationships, sexuality and citizenship”. In common with other strands of the SPHE curriculum the implementation of the Stay Safe programme is a collaborative process which involves parents, teachers, Boards of Management, and the wider community, taking a co-ordinated approach to child protection and child abuse prevention through safety skills education. The annual programme will be implemented across the school in the coming weeks.

ZIM DAY – FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13TH – Our annual fundraiser takes place this Friday. Any unwanted toys/books/games in good condition would be very welcome or items suitable for a raffle. People have been wonderful in the past for providing cakes and buns on the day, so we are asking again !! Could you please label containers/lids so they can be returned to you. On the day there is great value to be had so children only need a small amount of money. Could we also ask children to bring carrier bags for their purchases. Remember that all proceeds go to help the children attending Assisi High School, Nharira, Chivhu, Zimbabwe, providing resources for their educational needs.

HOMEWORK CLUB – Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th only.

MID-TERM – School closes at usual times on Wednesday February 18th and
re-opens on Monday February 23rd.

SCHOOL CALENDAR REDUCTION – There is a small number of school calendars remaining. They are now available for €4.