
Our school has always strived to improve the quality of teaching and learning with a view to providing the best quality education for the children in our care. Following the formal introduction of School Self Evaluation 2012 we examined areas in literacy and numeracy which could be improved. This involved the analysis of data available from standardised testing carried out throughout the school for many years including –

Junior Infants – Belfield Infant Assessment Profile
Senior Infants – Middle Infant Screening Tests (M.I.S.T.)
1st – 6th Class – Micra T and Sigma T

The process also included an attitudinal children’s literacy survey, consultation with staff and parents.


* St. Patrick’s N.S. is an open and inclusive school for children of all abilities.
* Our staff is extremely committed and hard working
* The school is well resourced in the area of literacy
* Considerable effort has been made to provide a wide range of reading material in class libraries.
* Teachers are aware of the importance of providing a print rich environment.
* Teachers collaborate and co-operate on a regular basis.
* Our parents are very supportive and have a high level of confidence in the school.
* Standardised testing indicates a good level of attainment overall.
* Children with S.E.N. are well catered for.

Areas for Development:

* To improve our children’s ability to understand what they read.
* To provide a wider experience for children in the area of numeracy leading to an improvement in children’s confidence and problem solving skills.
* To consolidate and co-ordinate our practices in phonics and to improve the outcomes for children.


To reduce the percentage of children in STEN 1-3 band and increase the percentage of children in the 8 – 10 band using a structured approach to comprehension.


* Upskilling of staff through in-service training at school level (P.D.S.T.) using Croke Park hours.

* The purchase of books recommended for use with the various comprehension strategies:-
making connections
determining importance

* Distribution of resources (lesson plans, word sheets and teacher information) to each teacher.

* Implementation of a read at home scheme to provide greater opportunities for reading and comprehension practice with parental involvement.

* Increased methodologies including shared reading, team teaching in class learning support and differentiated novels.

* Investment in supplementary reading schemes and “comprehension boxes” to support classroom activities.


Standardised test results, teacher observation and parental feedback!


To increase the percentage of children in the STEN 8-10 band through the introduction of team teaching, collaborative learning and a greater use of maths resources. To make maths a more enjoyable and practical experience for children.


* The introduction of team teaching and in-class support from L.S. / R.T. team.
* Major investment in maths resources.
* Increased use of maths resources (hands-on).
* Resources readily available between small numbers of classes e.g. 5th/6th, 3rd/4th, etc.
* Using resources to problem solve.


* Pupil Survey
* Parents Survey
* Standardised test results.
* Teacher observation.


To provide continuity between classes in the use of phonics across the school.


* Upskilling for teachers
* Introduction of a refresher of the fundamentals of “Jolly Phonics” at 3rd / 4th class level.
* Teacher designed tasks e.g. dictation, spelling tests, etc. and use of Schonell Spelling tests to monitor progress.


As above, parental feedback, teacher observation.