Aistear Infant Programme

Dear Parents,

Our Infants classes will be starting the Aistear programme in the next term. Aistear is an initiative for learning through play. We would like to collect a variety of toys and other resources in good condition for use within the Aistear programme. If you have any of the following items at home, that you no longer require, we would be extremely grateful if you could donate them to the school. As they will be used as teaching resources please only send in items that are still functional and in good working order. Please note that we are not asking for new toys but items that you may have at home that are no longer required.

With thanks,
Infants Teachers

Our Aistear Wish List

Small world toys: toy houses and buildings (doll houses and furniture, farm sets etc), miniature figures (lego men, plastic people, little toy people), farm animals, jungle animals, miniature cars and vehicles (fire brigades, ambulances, planes, trucks etc), car and town mats, miniature road signs

Construction toys: lego, building blocks (all sorts and sizes), stickle bricks, toy tools, hi-vis vests, hart hats, old torches, toy work bench

Role-play toys: toy kitchen, toy kitchen equipment, dolls, doll clothes and accessories (buggy, changing mats, cot etc), toy iron and ironing board, top brush and pan, toy hoover, toy food

Play shop, post office, school etc: shopping trolley, baskets, cash register, plastic money, purses, envelopes, cards, blackboard, easels etc

Play doctors, dentist, vets, opticians equipment

Real household equipment: clean and in good condition but electrical items do not need to be working; phones, toasters, kettles, cameras, pots, utensils

Dress up: costumes, hats, masks, etc

Containers: large and small plastic containers with lids

Other: Beanbags, cushions, sandpit, sheets, puppets, unwanted clean fabric, wall paper rolls, old table cloths, toy musical instruments, play tents, clipboards and stationery, styrofoam, microphone