School Tours:

The season has arrived! 6th class travel to Dunmore East Adventure Centre tomorrow (Friday). Bed early for everyone tonight. Bus leaves at 8am and returns at 6pm (ish).


Slight change in arrangements for August. As the children will not need the tracksuit until the following week arrangements for collection and payment are as follows:

Tuesday Aug 25th 11am – 1pm
Wednesday Aug 26th 11am – 1pm
Thursday Aug 27th 9.30 – 3pm
Friday Aug 28th 9.30 – 3pm

As already mentioned the current school tracksuit is acceptable for next year. However, these are the only 2 options.

Payments to School:

The envelope you received with your child’s reports, etc. is for use in September. Some parents have returned them already but this is not necessary.

Super Troopers Summer Camp:

Ms Farrell, Ms Twomey and Ms Cunningham have asked that you would let them know by next Wednesday June 24th if your child (children) will be attending the camp. Payment is not necessary at this point but numbers are needed for organisational reasons.