The Solar System

Ms Hogan’s 4th Class enjoyed learning all about The Solar System earlier this year and completed wonderful projects.

Art Inspired by Jackson Pollock

Over the past few weeks the children from Junior Infants to 6th Class have been learning all about the life and works of the American artist Jackson Pollock.

He experimented with line, scale, and paint and in doing so, created a new way of painting. Pollock broke with the conventions of painting by taking the canvas from its traditional easel and placing it on the floor. He then worked around the canvas, dripping, splashing, flinging, and smearing paint. He put holes in the bottom of paint cans, squeezed paint from a tube, and even used a turkey baster or stiff brush. His process caused the paint to build up, layer upon layer.

The children have considered the choices Pollock made with regard to painting. They focused on line, material, scale, and the artistic process while also learning how to discuss, compare, and think critically about nonrepresentational, or abstract, paintings.

Here is some of the fantastic pieces they have created…


Newsletter 17th February 2020

Zim Day
Our annual Fr. O’Shea Appeal for Zimbabwe cake sale and monster raffle will be held this Wednesday, 19th February. We are calling on all the bakers and bun makers in Ballylinan to bake for us! These goodies and treats are always in great demand. As some pupils in the school have nut allergies, please make sure that your delicious baking is nut free. We know that we can depend on your support and that our cake stall will be very well stocked! Please ensure that your containers and lids are labelled with child’s name and room number. Please also give your child a bag or container to bring home their purchases. The money raised will be donated to the Franciscan Missionary Union and will be used to help the children of Zimbabwe. Thank you for your support.

Please visit and scroll until you see ‘Categories’. Click Gaeilge, you can hear some of our pupils reading some short poems and conversing in Irish. Is féidir libh éisteacht lenár ndaltaí ag caint as Gaeilge. Bainigí triail as!

Visual Arts
Over the past few weeks the children from Junior Infants to 6th Class have been learning all about the life and works of the American artist Jackson Pollock. Take a look at our website for some examples of creations inspired by his work!

School Calendar
A big thanks to all who supported our 2020 calendar by placing an advertisement for their business.

Tin Whistle
Tin whistle for both groups tomorrow (Tuesday) this week.

Enrolment 2020/21
Enrolments are now completed. If you know of anyone who may have neglected to enrol their child, please ask them to contact the school immediately. Thank you.

Mid Term
Zim Day on Wednesday, 19th February. School will be closed on Thursday and Friday this week (20th & 21st) for the mid term break. Normal closing times (2 pm and 3 pm) on Wednesday 19th.