PETER PAN:   Now that the dust has settled we can look back proudly on last week’s panto.  People have been very complimentary about the performances and our thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to making the shows so enjoyable.  To Mrs. Connolly, Ann Sourke and Bernie Dunne we say a huge “Thank You” !

SPOT PRIZES:  Thanks to everyone who donated spot prizes for the panto raffle.

DVDOrders are now being taken before Christmas for delivery in the New Year.  The price is – one night – €10; two nights – €15 (two nights – single case).  Contact the school office.  Payment with order please.

TIN WHISTLE CONCERT:  Congratulations to Ms. Brennan and all her whistlers (and dancers) who entertained us so well yesterday.  It was a lovely occasion and has really put us in the Christmas mood!

SCHOOL CALENDAR:  Now on sale at the school office and Centra.  Price €7.  This is a nice keepsake and looking back at previous calendars it is interesting to note how much the children have changed in those 3/4 years.  Thanks to everyone who supported our calendar by placing an advertisement for their business.

NATIVITY/CRIB VISIT:  Children from all classes visited the church last Friday to take part in the nativity story.  Thanks to Margaret Brennan for all her help and well done to the children from the senior classes who “buddied up” for the trip with children from the junior classes.

NO UNIFORM / CHRISTMAS CLOTHING DAY:  A reminder that tomorrow (Thursday) is a no uniform day.  Contribution – €2 per child or €3 per family.  Funds raised will go to our Parents’ Association to cover the costs of various activities.

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS:  School closes tomorrow (Thursday) at 12.30 pm. (infants available from 12.20).  This is a very busy “few minutes” as all the children will be leaving school at the same time.  Please avoid double parking and use the overflow car-park in the junior play area.  (Reverse in – drive out).

Happy Christmas



 NEWSLETTER 15/12/16

Schools have been advised that there are privacy issues in relation to photographs and videos at school events.  Material should not be uploaded to social media and should only be used for personal/family interest.

We are expecting the calendars to arrive in the next few days and will be available for purchase at the school office and from Centra, Ballylinan.

We will be bringing all the children to St. Anne’s Church on Friday morning at 10.45 to hear the Nativity Story and see the crib.  If the weather is not good we will use the school sports hall.

Ms. Brennan’s tin whistle  group will get us into the Christmas mood on Tuesday afternoon, December 20th at 2.15 pm.  All are welcome and the concert will be over by home time at 3pm.  Parents collecting children will be able to bring them directly after the performance.

The annual children’s Christmas Eve Mass will be celebrated on Saturday evening, December 24th at 6pm.  All children and parents are welcome and parents who would like their children to take an active part in the mass should ring Margaret Brennan on 086 3254931 before Sunday December 18th.
Christmas Eve:  The Vigil Mass will be celebrated at 9pm.

 NEWSLETTER 13/12/16

Best of luck to all children performing over the two nights.  If rehearsals are anything to go by it promises to be a great show.

A few reminders that might be helpful:-
Children should leave their coats/jackets with their parents.

  • No drink or food for children backstage.
  • Please label all clothing to be used on the night.
  • Children to be in the hall by 6.45pm (not too early please!) Children will enter the hall by the stage-side door (on left) and proceed across to the Jubilee room via the front of the stage.  Parents with younger children can pass them to staff members/helpers at the door and then take their seats in the hall using the main door.  Children from junior infants – 1st class (inclusive) can be collected directly from the stage after the show.  (Children from 2nd class upwards will return to their parents in the hall.  Parents please remain seated.)

Due to panto rehearsals tomorrow (Wed) swimming for Mrs Julians class has been postponed to next Monday (19th).

Today is the last day for delivering of fruit and vegetables to the school.  Phase 2 for the Junior end of the school commences on our return after the holidays.  Thanks to Ms. Curran for all her work (and helpers!)

School closes on Thursday December 22nd at 12.30 pm (infants from 12.20 pm.) and re-opens on Monday January 9th.  Thursday 22nd is a no uniform/Christmas attire day.  (Contribution  – €2 per child or €3 per family).

If you would like your child to be involved in this year’s 6pm Christmas Eve Mass  please text or ring Margaret Brennan on 086 3254931 before Sunday December 18th.


Parents involved please note that for safety reasons the special Mass for First Communion families will take place on Sunday, December 11th at 11.30 am.  (children should bring their own colours (pencils, etc.)

December 8th:
The school is open.  Due to a shortage of personnel there will be no school Mass this year.  Mass on Thursday in St. Anne’s Church at 7.30 pm.

Panto Helpers:
In the past some of our secondary school past pupils helped out on panto nights.  Unfortunately, due to a shortage of space, numbers this year will be limited.  If you are available and would like to help please contact the school 059 8625195 and we will let you know in advance if your help is required.

Homework Club:
The club ends this week (Thursday) and returns on Monday January 9th.

Tin Whistle:
Double session this week!  All children are asked to attend both Thursday and Friday for Christmas practice.  Single payment only. (€4).

Parents Association Fund-Raiser:
No uniform – Christmas jumper/clothing on the last day, Thursday December 22nd.  €2 per child or €3 per family.

Food Dudes:
Senior classes from Mrs. Julian’s upwards have now finished phase 1 of the scheme.  Please continue to encourage your children to “try”.  Phase 2 involves the children bringing in their own fruit/vegetables.

Community News: 

Ballylinan Juvenile G.A.A. Christmas Fair:

Reminder:  The annual Christmas Fair will take place this Sunday Dec. 11th @ 2 pm.