SCHOOL CLOSURE – Friday February 26th (General Election)

ASTHMA – We are compiling a record of children attending the school who suffer from asthma.  The information you provide will be of help to us in the event of an emergency.  Please return the attached Asthma Record Sheet form as soon as possible.

For children who are using inhalers it is important that we have a spare ‘reliever’ inhaler in school and a spacer if available.

HOMEWORK CLUB – No club on Thursday (25th).


We wish the children from 6th class well for next Saturday (11.30 am in St. Anne’s Church).  Our choir has been wonderful in rehearsal – children should be in the church by 11.15 am. Choir children are to wear their school tracksuit.


*  Reserved seating for sponsors and candidates only.
*  Please do not take photographs/video during the ceremony.
*  There will be lots of opportunity after the ceremony and we will arrange a group        photograph on the altar.
*  Albs for the candidates will be distributed in the room at the back of the church from 10.45 am, and returned there after the ceremony.
*  The albs come to us on the strict understanding that children do not wear make-up.
*  We ask for your full co-operation.

Enjoy your day!



Student Name:  ______________________________________________

 Address:  ______________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name:  ______________________________________

Mobile Number:  _____________ Home Phone Number:  ________________

GP Name:  __________________  GP Phone Number:  ________________

 Asthma Triggers:  _____________________________________________________________

Reliever Medication:  ______________Dose: ________________________

 Controller Medication:  ___________ Dose:  ________________________

 Any Other Information:  ______________________________________________________________


I agree that the medical information contained in this plan may be shared with individuals involved with my child’s care and education, including emergency services.  I understand that I must notify the school of any changes in writing.

Signed:  ______________________________________________

Date:  ____________________________


 SCHOOL CLOSURE – The school will close tomorrow (Wednesday) at the usual times and re-open on Monday 22nd at 9.15 am.  (No Homework Club tomorrow, Wednesday)

CEREMONEY OF LIGHT – (Confirmation):  Tonight, Tuesday in Arles Church at 7.30 pm.

5TH CLASS BLOG – Take a look at the 5th class blog and catch up with all their news.

 ZIM DAY – Well done to everyone for a fantastic day last Friday.  Ms. Cotter would like to thank children, staff, parents, grandparents and friends for their generosity and hard work.  A special word of thanks to Ms. Farrell, Mrs Hurley and their classes for their trojan effort.  The day raised just short of €2,000 and will be put to very good use at Assisi High School in Zimbabwe.

COMMUNITY NOTICE – Ballylinan G.A. A. are looking to recruit volunteers to coach underage teams.  If interested contact Frank Shanahan – 087 7783545.


COMMUNITY NOTICE – Ballylinan G.A. A. are looking to recruit volunteers to coach underage teams.  If interested contact Frank Shanahan 087 – 7783545.


MID TERM – A reminder that school will close on Wednesday Feb. 17th at 3pm. and re-open on Monday Feb. 22nd @ 9.15am.

GENERAL ELECTION – The school will be closed on Friday Feb. 26th.

HOMEWORK CLUB – Due to school closures please note the club will operate as follows –

Next week:  Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th only.

Election week:  Monday 22nd, Tuesday 23rd, Wednesday 24th only.

 TIN WHISTLE – Classes for both groups next week on Wednesday February 17th – no class Thursday or Friday due to school closures. No change for this week.

DRAWING CLASSES – Classes begin this Friday (Feb. 12th) from 3pm – 4.30pm.  The lessons will run for 8 weeks and for the moment are confined to 4th class.  The children starting this week have been informed.  We thank Fiona O’Connor for volunteering her services and the programme looks very exciting and is wonderful opportunity for the children involved.

INTERNET SAFETY TALK – We had a very good attendance of parents at the talk on Monday provided by gardaí from Athy.  The talk may be repeated later in the year if there is sufficient interest.  Please let us know.

ZIM DAY – FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12TH – Our annual fundraiser takes place this Friday.  Any unwanted toys/books/games in good condition would be very welcome or items suitable for a raffle.  People have been wonderful in the past for providing cakes and buns on the day, so we are asking again !!  Please label containers/lids so they can be returned to you.  On the day there is great value to be had so children only need a small amount of money.  Please get your children to bring carrier bags for their purchases.  Remember that all proceeds go to help the children attending Assisi High School, Nharira, Chivhu, Zimbabwe, providing resources for their educational needs.


Fit for Life Walk/Jog/Run – Meeting Saturday Feb. 13th in Centra Carpark @ 10.20 am. (4km).  All welcome – non competitive.


ZIM DAY – Friday 12th February:
Our Annual Fr O’Shea appeal for Zimbabwe will be held on Friday 12th February. As in other years the day will consist of cake and jumble sales and will conclude with a monster raffle. Tickets for the raffle will go on sale for the children to buy on Monday 8th February. They will cost 50c each. We are asking for toys, books and games that your children no longer use but that other children might like and be anxious to buy. These can be brought to the school from Monday February 8th. We are also calling on all the bakers and bun makers in Ballylinan to bake for us. These goodies and treats are always in great demand. We know that we can depend on your support and that our cake stall will be very well stocked. The money raised from Zim Day will be donated to the Franciscan Missionary Union and will be used to help the children attending Assisi High School, Nharira, Chivhu, Zimbabwe, providing resources for their educational needs.

Well done to our Green Schools Committee for all their hard work towards achieving our 4th green flag (travel). Mieke from “An Taisce” visited last week to assess our progress and was very impressed, so we are hoping to get good news in the weeks ahead.

GRANDPARENTS MASS – Thursday Feb 4th 1.15 pm.
A reminder that all parents and grandparents are welcome. Children can be collected after mass (about 2pm). Otherwise children will remain in school until 3pm. Homework club is going ahead as usual.

A guest speaker will visit the school next Monday (Feb 8th) and talk to children from 5th and 6th classes (1.30 – 2.30). He will speak to parents from 2.30pm – 3pm and all parents are welcome. Please let us know if you will be attending by informing the class teacher through your oldest child.

Don’t forget to give your child’s details to us as soon as possible (tel: 86 25195) if you haven’t already done so.

Classes for both groups will take place this Friday after school.